Spread: Three Card Motto

December 26, 2006 § Leave a comment

This idea came from The Aclectic Tarot forums. (The exact location is here.) Basically the reader should do a three-card spread, without any specific meanings for location of cards within the spread, and develop a little maxim that is useful for the querent at that time.

My Test Spread

Deck: Goddess Tarot
Date: 12/25/06 Monday
Time: noonish
Spread: Three Card Motto

3 of Pentacles RV — 8 of Pentacles RV — 4 of Pentacles

Motto: Talents must be developed (and advocated by a fair price) before they can earn money.

Commentary: 3P-RV really says it all, though the other two support it. In a reading, 3P-RV means that skills are still developing and must be further developed before they can be taken to market or used to earn money. 8P talks about having fair compensation for one’s work, and reversed in this context emphasizes that one must avoid settling for unfair compensation of their skills and talent. 4P shows the end goal: financial stability. Therefore the goal is not using talent and skills for luxury, but for breadwinning, earning for a comfortable and stable living.

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You are currently viewing the archives for December, 2006 at The Counsel of Cards.