Zodiac Spread for 2009

January 4, 2009 § 1 Comment

Spread: Zodiac Spread (plus one card for 2009, see previous entry)
Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 10:10pm

I first heard about the spread from Episode 37 of the Tarot Connection podcast.  Though familiar with astrological signs, I’m certainly no expert, so the associations with each house are based on the version from this episode.

1. Aries – Knight of Cups (clarification: Queen of Swords)
2. Taurus – 6 of Pentacles
3. Gemini – Hanged Man
4. Cancer – 3 of Pentacles RV
5. Leo – Death RV
6. Virgo – 5 of Swords RV
7. Libra – Magician
8. Scorpio – Emperor RV (clarification: 9 of Wands RV)
9. Sagittarius – Strength
10. Capricorn – Ace of Swords
11. Aquarius – (pulled 2 simultaneously by accident) 9 of Cups RV, 7 of Cups RV
12. Pisces – Ace of Pentacles

This is a long entry, because it basically looks at pretty much every different aspect of my life for 2009.  The details are mainly for my own reference.

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Reading for K: Next 9 months

December 25, 2008 § Leave a comment

Time: Thurs, Dec 25, ended around 9:30pm EST
Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest
Querent: K
Spread: designed for this reading

Topic: the next 9 months, both overall/general and also specifically with boyfriend


Overall (1=next 3 months, 3=following 3 months, 5=following 3 months/summer)
1. Wheel of Fortune
3. Five of Cups RV
5. Knight of Pentacles

The Wheel of Fortune suggests some exciting new things heading in, specifically ones that will seem very “lucky”, like Lady Fortune smiling upon the situation, and less because of one’s personal investment or effort in the matter.  This could point to a visit to the States (querent is living abroad) and to see her boyfriend, and that visit going really well, or any number of good things happening while living abroad, or a combination: overall, things are looking lucky.

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