What’s Up, Myself? My current path, and the lessons therein

June 24, 2012 § Leave a comment

Today’s Spread: My Current Path
Deck: Shadowscapes Tarot (Major Arcana Only)
Querent: Self

The Fool / The Lovers / The Hermit (R)

0-The Fool: I’m taking a leap of faith, moving to a new area and finding a job after quitting my last job. My husband has just graduated from law school but is still without a job. We need health insurance, for my husband especially. I’m trying to not panic and to just go with the flow and have faith.

6-Lovers: My husband and I went through a tough few years; though the stress was not originating from our relationship, it certainly affected it. Both of us are feeling quite happy that these years are behind us. Even with an uncertain future, there has certainly been more of a glow between us: more affection, more warmth, and also a lot of time together (I’m home between teaching jobs, he’s home studying for the bar). Coming up in a few months: his family is throwing us a sort of wedding reception (because we eloped and didn’t have a formal wedding, and they want to throw a party for us to celebrate). The reception party is the first thing that popped into my head, actually.

9-The Hermit (R): I love the imagery of this card. It has all the peaceful reflective stillness of starlight, of retreating from the worries of everyday life and pondering loftier matters. That has certainly been a joy this first week since the school year ending: getting time to just sit and think, and read books on Daoism, Hinduism, and yoga (as a spiritual practice, not just the asanas most associated with yoga classes). I think the reversed is de-emphasizing it when compared to the importance of the other two, or making sure I don’t retreat too much, or making sure I am allowing myself this time without stressing too much over my life’s current uncertainties?

Reading for K

October 30, 2007 § Leave a comment

Deck: Goddess Tarot
Date: 9/24/07 Monday
Time: evening
Spread: for each question/category: past/present/before upcoming travel plans/while traveling
Querent: K
Questions/Topics: 1) K & current romantic interest; 2) travel and its effect on social life & self; 3) career aspirations

1) Querent and Romantic Interest
traveling: 3 of Pents-RV / before travel:?? / present: Sun-RV / past: 6 of Wands
This is where my laziness around immediate notetaking (or lack thereof) really bit me in the ass. My card for “before traveling” timeline for querent’s current romantic interest (which was her major concern in this spread) was not noted, just a blank on my sketch of the spread. Damn.

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