A Walk in the Woods: Spring Semester in China

January 6, 2009 § 1 Comment

Spread: Walk in the Woods
Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest
Date: Saturday 12/27/08, 11pm

1. where I start – Death
2. fears (twig snaps) – Wheel RV
3. comfort (shawl) – 10 of Wands
4. unexpected (deer) – Tower (clarification: Page of Wands)
5. lesson learned (owl) – Temperance
6. where the journey ends (outcome) – Judgement

This is a real majors-heavy spread: only one out of six cards was a minor (except for a seventh card for clarification).  This is not very typical for me, and I take this to mean it’ll be a pretty “big” time period, one that will have a big impact in my life — but this is something I could guess beforehand.  It starts with Death, which is appropriate, because I’m leaving one life and starting another.  I’m afraid that this is not what I’m supposed to be doing (Wheel of Fortune RV); I originally planned to go for two semesters starting this fall, but last October decided I would also go for this spring.  I’m particularly afraid it will have negative consequences for my relationship with B, not just the long-distance-relationships-are-tough kind, but rather the relationship-on-the-verge-of-ending kind.  This plays on some earlier fears and guilt I’ve had about going adventuring in a new country while B stays in a job that he hates, even though he’s assured me I have no reason to feel guilty.  However, I’ll have a lot on my plate to keep me busy (10 of Wands), which may help me have less time to fret about stuff.

There will be some unexpected event that could really shake things up (the Tower), not quite sure if I can do anything in advance for this except to be brave and creative in my reaction to it (Page of Wands).  The main lesson I’ll learn this spring will be finding balance in my life (Temperance).  Actually, one of my hopes is that my time in China will help me be a more independent and mature person, especially in my ability to juggle a physically and spiritually healthy lifestyle, rewarding but demanding job, my relationship with B, and a social life with new friends and social networking — a balance I wasn’t able to find in China, but I’ll need to find in order to be a sane public school teacher with a family.

The Judgement card came up as an outcome, which I see as a few different possibilities: perhaps I’ll finally not feel guilty about going to China while B is in the U.S., which is good, because I’ll be going back again this fall after a few weeks visiting B; however, perhaps I won’t feel guilty because B will be in a new city and starting a new career by going to law school, rather than because I’ve learned to not feel guilty.  Or maybe this represents the feeling of triumphantly returning to the U.S. after many lovely adventures and experiences, successfully completing a first semester of teaching and living in the culture and language I’ve studied.  This is actually my first time getting Judgement in a reading, so I’m still figuring this card out.

Zodiac Spread for 2009

January 4, 2009 § 1 Comment

Spread: Zodiac Spread (plus one card for 2009, see previous entry)
Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 10:10pm

I first heard about the spread from Episode 37 of the Tarot Connection podcast.  Though familiar with astrological signs, I’m certainly no expert, so the associations with each house are based on the version from this episode.

1. Aries – Knight of Cups (clarification: Queen of Swords)
2. Taurus – 6 of Pentacles
3. Gemini – Hanged Man
4. Cancer – 3 of Pentacles RV
5. Leo – Death RV
6. Virgo – 5 of Swords RV
7. Libra – Magician
8. Scorpio – Emperor RV (clarification: 9 of Wands RV)
9. Sagittarius – Strength
10. Capricorn – Ace of Swords
11. Aquarius – (pulled 2 simultaneously by accident) 9 of Cups RV, 7 of Cups RV
12. Pisces – Ace of Pentacles

This is a long entry, because it basically looks at pretty much every different aspect of my life for 2009.  The details are mainly for my own reference.

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Card for 2009

January 4, 2009 § 1 Comment

Spread: one card (plus Zodiac Spread, see next entry)
Deck: Magical Forest
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 10:10pm

I pulled a Tarot card for 2009, which was the 8 of Wands/Staves.  An excerpt from my favorite Tarot website:

Before acting, we think, imagine, speculate, talk and dream. This is the realm of air – the sky. Then, finally, we decide to make our move. We bring our ideas down to earth and put them into action.

In readings, the Eight of Wands is often a sign that now is the time to declare yourself. All the elements are ready and will work for you as long as you don’t hesitate. The iron is hot – so strike! If events are in motion, they will proceed rapidly. You may feel caught in a whirlwind, but soon the dust will settle, and you see how your plans have fared.

I found this quite suitable, as I’ve been planning to go to China to teach English for a few years, and now suddenly it’s only a month away.

Actually, I initially interpreted this card quite differently.  This card is a beautiful golden landscape in the background, with a small patch of trees, rolling hills, and distant castle, but in the foreground are 8 staves or wands, striking from the top left to bottom right of the card.  I interpreted this to mean that there would be lots of obstacles in the near future, but they lead to some wonderful things in the more distant future.  There’s also a lot of drive or fire behind my actions for this year.

This is not the first time I interpret a card totally differently from its typical meaning, but I find I’m not really bothered by it.  I don’t think there’s only one right answer to most things, not only because of different perspectives, but also because life is a little more complex than one cut and dry answer.  This is one of my favorite things about Tarot cards: so many possibilities in every card!

(I also wrote about this reading on my main blog, though not in as much detail.)

Reading for K: Next 9 months

December 25, 2008 § Leave a comment

Time: Thurs, Dec 25, ended around 9:30pm EST
Deck: Tarot of the Magical Forest
Querent: K
Spread: designed for this reading

Topic: the next 9 months, both overall/general and also specifically with boyfriend


Overall (1=next 3 months, 3=following 3 months, 5=following 3 months/summer)
1. Wheel of Fortune
3. Five of Cups RV
5. Knight of Pentacles

The Wheel of Fortune suggests some exciting new things heading in, specifically ones that will seem very “lucky”, like Lady Fortune smiling upon the situation, and less because of one’s personal investment or effort in the matter.  This could point to a visit to the States (querent is living abroad) and to see her boyfriend, and that visit going really well, or any number of good things happening while living abroad, or a combination: overall, things are looking lucky.

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6 of Pentacles

December 24, 2008 § 1 Comment

6 of PentaclesThe card’s story
This fox has lived a comfortable life, born into wealth and influential social circles.  He thinks he is humble about his successes and wealth, and gives freely to those who are less fortunate with a smile and a light heart.  He doesn’t ever really see the suffering of the have-nots, however; he doesn’t really look too closely, nor does he try to do anything to change the situation of him having more than enough and others having too little.  The balance of power is tipped heavily, and he gives in a naive attempt to even things out.  Kindness does not mean lack of ignorance.

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